No doubt we've all heard the phrase, 'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is'. While an admirable feat, and while money does hold accountability even amongst the rich, I'd like to talk today about something a bit different.
I'd like to talk about something a bit deeper, a bit more primal, a bit more raw. For, while money, amongst the wealthy, signifies; intention, dedication, and responsibility, it is a game we poor simply cannot afford to play. The citizens of America are by and large poor, we have been divided these past 6 years, into the "haves", and the "have nots". There is one great equalizer though, in this world of physical reality in which we live, one thing that all humans have that is both more precious than money, and at the same time more vital.
This asset is the human body. Each of us has one, and none of us wishes to see harm come to it. Unlike an investment or a financial endeavor, you only have one body, and it cannot be replaced or renewed if spent in vein. There have been several acts of "putting one's body where ones mouth is" this week, that I'd like to bring to your attention today. I hope to persuade you that it can be good policy, and that by raising the stakes to such a high level, only those willing to truly sacrifice for their convictions will undertake such an act.
Some articles
Beginning C Object-Oriented Programming Paperback
Indy Cars 1911-1939: Great Racers from the Crucible of Speed
Pocket Map and Guide Seville (EYEWITNESS POCKET MAP & GUIDE)
Bark: A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast
2033, Atlas des futurs du monde (French Edition)
I seek to illustrate for you, that to such an act, the world will listen. The peoples of the world will hear, and even if they do not speak your language, they will understand that you cared more about the truth you were fighting for than you did for your person. This is the ultimate risk, as a human being, to step into harm's way. To place one's self in danger to prevent a wrong is an action that will certainly catch my attention. This particular article contains profound and real truths, and accounts of undeniable bravery.
We begin this week's story in Palestine.
Over the weekend, Israel once again initiated a campaign of airstrikes on what it labeled 'Hamas Militants' in Palestine. The people of Palestine, once again, are to be commended for their bravery and nobility in the face of such an unwarranted and unevidenced overuse of force. To the streets, they took themselves, the citizens of Palestine, young and old, mostly men. They rose upon hearing the news of the impending strike, and as one formed a shield of living breathing humanity around the entire targeted area. The protest extended to the roof of the building, where the above picture (available in originally article) was taken.
Three Weeks to eBay Profits, Revised Edition: Go from Beginner to
Elsevier's Dictionary of Nuclear Engineering 1st Edition( Hardcover
The Paris Review Interviews, Vols. 1-4
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 3rd Revised edition by Shirley,
Protein Folding: New Research 1st edition by Obalinsky, Tony R.
As I believe that not only the world community, but specifically the majority of Americans (it is America that militarily supports Israel, without debate) are now beginning to understand the reality of the situation for the Palestinians in their day to day lives, I will not belabor this point.
I will say this, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior would have been very proud of the citizens of Palestine on Sunday.
A full report on the situation can be found here:
Or Here:
Or Here:
In today's second story, we travel to Los Angeles, and behold true heroism and conviction in the face of severe pain...
Several Days ago, a UCLA Student of Middle Eastern decent was horribly abused by police at his campus library. This occurred as he was leaving the library, and had already (obviously) used his campus credentials to gain access to the University's Library Building, Computer Network, and had finished conducting his studies. Upon exiting the facility, he was stopped by campus police and questioned without reason or warrant. He spoke up for his rights, showed knowledge of the Unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act under which he was being profiled, and was physically abused with police tasers as a result.
I have not been able to ascertain the identity of this UCLA Student. His heroism, however will forever live in my mind and actions from this day forth.
After being tased, to the floor I might add, the police demanded he rise. They proceed to penalize him repeatedly with further tasing. This is the sickest abuse of power I have seen since the beating of Rodney King.
Let this be a message, clear as a bell, to law enforcement officials in this country: The Patriot Act Is Unconstitutional, Citizens Will Respond To Your Use Of It With Force. Do not act as if you didn't know, I just told you. In fact, as a member of the Press, I just 'Informed You Via The Public Forum Of The Press/NewsMedia' a term I'll be reserving for future use in United States Courts of Law against you, should you choose to remain ignorant to citizens Constitutional and Miranda Rights.
Law Enforcement is NOT AUTHORIZED to behave in this manner. Do not forget the LA Riots, do not make the mistake of assuming that ANY police force can physically suppress the will of that city's people.
At this time, UCLA student voices need to be heard, it is very hard to investigate this case, but I beg you to do so. At the end of this video, it is evident that the student body is close to a full scale riot against the offending officers. This was but a first incident, one that needs to be made visible. These officers were lucky indeed to escape with their bodies intact. They were clearly in the wrong, upholding a law that is clearly in the wrong.
Let it be known, that the students who came to this young man's defense were in the right, legally AND morally. They were defending his rights, and should they have chosen to use force against these officers to defend this student's constitutional rights, they would have been just in doing so. I, and leagues of civil defense lawyers would have stood by them, defending their actions in physically assaulting these police officers, in every Court of Law necessary to see justice done. I am almost sorry that these students didn't realize their own power to defend themselves. That power is evident in the video, especially towards the end of the nearly 7 minute beating.
The citizens give power to the constitution in this country, and the constitution gives power to law enforcement. It is NEVER the other way around, all those reading, both citizens and law enforcement officials must understand this truth. Tiananmen Square, and similar episodes from our own national history must never be forgotten. The Wars that our forefathers waged to secure the veracity of this truth must never be forgotten. Law Enforcement is employed to serve and protect the people. Force was not required here, nor is it in almost ANY case involving a University Student at a Library. Readers, I stand with this brave student. Let this case never be forgotten.
The Full Video Of This Horrendous Affair Can Be Found Here:
WARNING!: This video is BRUTAL
The Examiner has several stories on this incident, here:
You can also get the scoop from UCLA's Daily Bruin, here:
I also highly encourage you to read the comments left on the YouTube Video Page.
Which brings us to Washington D.C. and to our own Legislative Branch, responsible entirely for the current Patriot Act and the insanity it has brought us. This next story suggests that the citizens have been heard by the new Democrat Majority in the House of Representatives, and that accountability and responsible governance might indeed lie ahead for our nation.
In today's final example of people willing to put themselves in harm's way for the good of the nation, I'd like to highlight the work of United States Congressman Charles Rangel. The mainstream media will no doubt attempt to persuade you that this is a new plan, you should know that in fact Rangel has sought to hold the Congress personally accountable for their authorizations of Military Force for years. He has done this on your behalf, fellow citizens. He has done it in a fashion that the GOP Controlled Congress would not consider, as it would place their immediate family members in direct jeopardy of being obligated to serve. This method is known as 'The Draft'.
That's right, I said the 'D' word. Everyone go ahead and freak out now. Got it out of your system$%: Ready to talk about what 'The Draft' means for our country$%: Good, because here we go, and I'm pulling no punches.
First and foremost, let me state something personal that I've not yet revealed in my work here at P:%$amp;M. Last week I turned 28 years old. If there is a Draft instituted in this country, I will certainly be amongst those called up to war. I am healthy, I am a skilled and proven martial artist, and I've been trained in intelligence gathering, a skill I put to use almost daily at P:%$amp;M. I understand firsthand what a draft will mean, and I will certainly speak against the Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly types who will never be called to serve, and who advocate sending others into battle without ever having tasted war's truths for themselves. I'll do it here at P:%$amp;M, I'll do it on the radio and the HORN, and I'll do it on their own television shows should they find the courage to debate the subject. Let the following truths be told to a candid world, for the price of war is responsibility.
Without the draft, there would have been no movement to end the war in Vietnam. This is undeniable fact.
Without the draft, Congress has authorized and funded force without evidence to justify a threat to our nation. This is undeniable fact.
Without the draft those who serve in the military do so for financial reasons. This is undeniable fact, and evidenced in depth in this column's previous articles by Recruiters from the United States Army.
Without the draft, our Nation is currently without a homeland force. The overwhelming majority of our country's troops are currently stationed overseas, our National Guard Troops have been sent in as reserves, and are currently being recycled into active duty. This is undeniable fact.
Without the draft, our Army's standards have fallen dramatically. Age limitations have been lessened in both directions, citizens unfit for combat have been enlisted, and persons who have committed felonies are now able to serve alongside honorable and dedicated career officers. The lack of training, and more importantly the lack of discipline and restraint required of combat personnel is appalling, and is obvious to the layman. This is undeniable fact, and a terrible situation.
As you may have now guessed, even as one who will most certainly be called to serve, and even as one who vehemently opposes our nation's illegal actions in Iraq, I am wholeheartedly for Rep. Rangel's Bill to Re-Instate the Draft.
I welcome the responsibility to make the right decision. I feel that Americans, when faced personally with this decision themselves, are also capable of making the right choice. I welcome the late nights in the homes of Senate and House leaders, as they consider the lives of their own children when weighing the gravity of War. I welcome the discussions to be had between parents and children, and the inevitable change in opinion towards this war that will occur in many parents when their own children are called to serve.
I welcome the draft, with open arms, as my right as an American to stand up personally against this President's illegal acts. I welcome the opportunity to deny the draft in public protest. I welcome the opportunity to show this President firsthand, alongside thousands of my compatriots, that we ARE NOT willing to die or kill in his name. I welcome the opportunity to burn my draft notice on national television in front of a city hall, and to put a personal face on my message of peace as I am arrested. I welcome the opportunity to make my parents proud by doing so, as they once did, before becoming life long civil servants in the hopes of righting these wrongs from within the Government. I welcome the choice, and the chance to choose personally. Further, I think that each of us is ready to make this choice, and to end this occupation resoundingly.
I feel it is high time that we as Americans all begin to put our bodies where our mouths are, regardless of where our mouths are. Hannity$%: O'Reilly$%: Feel like joining the Armed Forces$%: I'm certainly ready to deny the call to arms and to pay any price for such patriotism. Until these Right Wing Pundits are ready to back up their talk, I've personally had enough of their careers in Radio and Television. Until our Representatives are ready to back up their talk with the blood of their children, I've personally had enough of their careers in Congress. I highly encourage you, fellow citizens, to take a close look at Rep. Rangel's proposal. He's ready to take responsibility for his actions, and I think that the rest of us are too.
An article from describes Rangel's plan here:
Those who have been following this plan for years might like a quick link to these CNN Articles, which describe Rangel's vision in detail. Both articles are from January of 2003. The first is here:
and the second is here:
Evidently the publishing editors at CNN felt this story important enough to publish twice.
After being proposed, this Bill received a vote in the House of Representatives in October of 2004. It was overwhelmingly rejected by the GOP House of Representatives that we as a nation fired earlier this month for their incompetence. The Bill's major opponent, none other than the now completely disgraced Tom Delay.
Mr. Delay, if in fact it is the Democrats that lack personal courage and integrity in this country, why exactly is it that the Democrats are pressing time and again throughout the years, through majority and minority status, to hold themselves and their children as accountable as the poor in this country, in terms of military service$%: Enjoy your conviction Mr. Delay, the poor of this nation you chose to discriminate against should certainly be enjoying your indictment, a prelude to justice it may still be.
And that's really what it all comes down to, isn't it folks$%: It's all about personal integrity and courage. If your convictions are worth fighting for, I say fight for them. If they aren't, then for goodness sake, what are you so upset about$%: Think about it. Pick any topic the Right Wing has trumpeted over the last 6 years. Do Gay Civil Unions Affect You Negatively$%: Have Illegal Immigrants Taken Over Your Homestead$%: Is Your Neighborhood Being Secretly Marked By Evil Terrorists For Some Maniacal Scheme$%:
Or could it be...
Could it be that you care about providing your family with Healthcare, and that you'd like a large amount of the tax dollars you already pay to be dedicated to that Healthcare provision as opposed to the invasion and occupation of foreign lands$%:
Could it be that you care about bringing back your local economy, in part by lifting the burden of insurance from the employers of our nation, so that they can once again afford to pay competitive wages and to research and develop the finest products this world has ever known$%:
Could it be that you care enough about your fellow man, that the next time you know something terrible is going to happen to someone (for example an airstrike being launched at them based on speculation and fear) you will do what you can to stop it$%:
Could it be that we as humans, might be getting over this collective nonchalance regarding human life$%:
Could it be that public outcry has once again regained a foothold in the medium of civil discourse$%:
Could it be that our students are willing to rise up once again, and throw off tyranny at the expense of themselves, leading as an example for those of us old enough to know better$%:
Could it be that we recognize as a people that we should hold our leaders to the same standards as we do ourselves, if not higher$%: Could it be that the overwhelming equivalence of a draft will once again unite us as Americans, against the face of war and conquest that we ourselves have shown the world$%:
Could it be that there are things worth fighting for on this Earth, and that some of us are ready to put our bodies where are mouths are$%:
On all fronts, this author certainly hopes so.