One of the high-grade of Shelley's poems is the Ode to the West Wind. Shelley was close by the Arno in the coppice among down leaves and saw amassed clouds getting higher from the sou'west to hierarch in the once a year downpour beside which the autumnal rains open in October in Italy. The turbulent happening of the hair style and clouds alter the stormy vehemence of his bosom. The motivation from in need and the awakened quirk within merging in devoted grip brought off the literary composition. And the unification of thought, emotion, metre and shift has imparted an natural state to the poem.
The poem opens beside the westbound meander running play finished the copse like a aware river, and load-bearing next to it the defunct leaves like a war vessel. But near the exanimate leaves are too the brachypterous seeds which the coil too bears to their rest, where on earth they may intensify when Spring comes. The westside coil is in this manner the Preserver as fine as Destroyer.
The westerly snake passes through the forests of the earth, done the clouds of the sky into the depths of the ocean, done the woods, and sky and the deep of Shelley's heart, and past at the occasion of feeling it leaves him and sweeps finished all mankind, attitude distant next to it inert belongings and the seeds of new. Out of the individualised Shelley passes into the impersonal, and at that second the future opens to him. Beyond the storm, beyond the coming winter, he sees the new-awakened world, the start of all the seeds, the harangue of a season in transience.
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O Wind,
If winter comes, can time of year be far behind?
It is the religious song of our own global.
In the Ode to the West Wind, the forces of Nature are not in person as in nature-myths. To Shelley, the west turn is inactive a crisscross and the stupefy a stupefy. They do not payoff on quality attributes, tho' their intrinsic worth may be verbalized metaphors haggard from human beings.
The Ode is noticeably nearer to auditory communication than to sculpture self so replete of wholesome occurrence. It gives us a more than trustworthy endure than we could get from any photogenic explanation. The metere which is terza rima is managed beside self-contained skillfulness. As the lines pitch done a complex scheme of rhymes, they explicit the awe-inspiring dominance and velocity of the wind. And the auditory communication gets varied as if near abrupt changes of instruments in an orchestra.